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S-MYCA: Scaling MENA Youth for Climate Action



Services design, ISWM Training, Awareness Raising, Consulting and technical advisorship

Implementation of the S-MYCA Scaling MENA Youth for Climate Action project for the provisioning of consulting services to diverse Integrated Solid Waste Management sector stakeholders, including advising the Ministry of Industry of Lebanon, supporting municipal authorities in the design and implementation of waste services and leading technical assistance to private companies handling waste.


Awareness Raising for Youth in Keserwan Schools



Awareness Raising

ReFuse provided expertise and logistics for awareness raising of 400+ youth in different schools in Keserwan, Lebanon. The team coordinated participatory session for the introduction to integrated solid waste management, organized learning by doing recycling workshops and sorting at source demonstrations.

Semeurs D’avenir - IECD

SUNNY - SUstaiNable eNergy sYstems for refugee and host communities in Africa

Uganda, Rwanda


Awareness Raising, ISWM Training, Consulting and technical advisorship, Infrastructure design, set-up

The SUNNY project reunites 17 partners across 11 countries and is led by the Technical University of Berlin for the promotion of Sustainable Energy Solutions in Displacement Settings. ReFuse is responsible of leading waste characterization, market analysis, development of waste valorization value chains, eco-design parameters for energy technologies. The project is implemented in Humanitarian settings, in refugee camps in Uganda, Rwanda.

European Comission - Horizon Europe

Technical training on climate crisis, social issues and waste circular management



Climate Change Training, ISWM Training

ReFuse trained the staff of the International NGO WeWorld-GVC in Lebanon, through a technical masterclass on the interconnection between climate crisis, social issues, economic recovery and solid waste management. The technical training was offered to staff members from country director to field officers, providing technical insights on waste valorization; community behavior change, financial viability, governance, footprint.

WeWorld - GVC NGO

ECOHUB: The Hub for Collaborative Environmental Action in Hamra



ISWM Training, Consulting and technical advisorship, Infrastructure design, set-up

ReFuse trained the staff of the Beirut based local NGO Ahla Fawda, providing technical insights on waste valorization; community behavior change, financial viability, governance, environmental footprint. Moreover, ReFuse cofounded the ECOHUB, The Hub for Collaborative Environmental Action in Hamra, a community space promoting waste diversion and active participation.

Ahla Fawda

Circular Economy for Local Development



Consulting and technical advisorship

ReFuse contributed to the technical design of project ةرئاد - Circular Economy for Local Development under a call for proposals by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development. ReFuse conducted the local data collection and designed the financially viable model for resources valorization and landfilling reduction, with a focus on diverting organic through localized composting and segregating recyclables through the cooperation with existing formal, informal, municipal stakeholders.


Technical insight on integrated solid waste management



ISWM Training

ReFuse trained the staff of the Palestinian local NGO Ahlam Lajea, providing technical insights on integrated solid waste management, safety in waste handling, composting to team members of the organization operating a sorting facility. The team directly engaged informal waste collectors and sorting staff – together with the management team – in a technical training including participatory workshops on organic waste valorization and hazards, risks management.

Ahlam Lajea

Recyclable Collection Point in Bourj Hammoud



Infrastructure design, set-up

ReFuse designed, set-up, operated, and advocated for recyclables collection points in Beirut, realizing a model of sorting facility in shipping containers capable of handling 24+ categories of secondary raw-materials in dense, underserved neighborhoods. ReFuse cooperated with the Lebanese Ministry of the Environment, the Governor of Beirut, the Municipality of Bourj Hammoud for the development of reward based, software enabled sorting at source.


Valorization and safe disposal of items not fit for sale



Sorting and Safe Disposal

ReFuse’s B2B service ensured the dismantling, sorting into 30 categories from plastics to organics and wood, valorization and safe disposal of over 1 Million items not fit for sale. ReFuse handled over 25 tons of expired, outdated materials destined to landfill reduced the dumped volume by 80% and ensuring the reuse of secondary raw-materials distributed to over 10 local ventures in Lebanon.

Alshaya Corporation

Valorization and safe disposal of items not fit for sale



Sorting and Safe Disposal

ReFuse’s B2B service ensured the dismantling, sorting into 30 categories from plastics to organics and wood, valorization and safe disposal of over 1 Million items not fit for sale. ReFuse also handled unused carts for Food and Beverage, cooperating with social enterprise Agonista for their reuse in their business hiring people with special needs.

Alshaya Corporation

International Events

COP28 - 28th UNFCCC Conference of Parties

United Arab Emirates

The 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly referred to as COP27, was the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference

Conference, Speech


JUST2CE International Workshop


International Workshop on Boosting a Just Transition in the Mediterranean: From Research to Action

Conference, Meet-up


Plug&Plug pitching at Ryadh's Tech Conference

Saudi Arabia

Investment conference and pitching session

Competition, Conference


InvestMED Regional Conference


Support the development of sustainable intrepreneurship and business initiatives na pitching sessions showcasing refuse services.

Meet-up, Conference


BusinessMED Regional Conference


Support the development of sustainable intrepreneurship and business initiatives na pitching sessions showcasing refuse services.

Conference, Meet-up


Alliance to End Plastic Waste and Plug&Play Start-up programme kick-off

Saudi Arabia

Investment conference and pitching session

Startup Pitch


COP27 - 27th UNFCCC Conference of Parties


The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, more commonly referred to as COP27, was the 27th United Nations Climate Change conference

Speech, Conference


COP17 - 17th UNFCCC Youth Conference of Parties


The 2023 Climate Conference of Youth

Speech, Conference


MIT DesignX Venice Accelerator Launch


Venture Design program accelerator in collaboration with SerenDPT



Partners & Customers

ReFuse S.A.R.L.
Bourj Hammoud, El Abb Arees Metn.
M.O.F. 3788440
Reg. # 2062840 


Support our mission
Bank name: Bank Audi SAL
Name on the account: REFUSE S.A.R.L.
Account number: 011017090002
IBAN: LB83005600000000011017090002
Branch location: Achrafieh Corporate Branch - Sofil Center, Charles Malek Ave., Beirut, Lebanon.

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